September This reading is related to the topic we were discussing the last class. Read the article and we will discuss it and work with some questions in class. My Lif e Why You Should Never Succumb to Society's Beauty Standards One girl discovers that self-respect comes from within. BY FEMSPLAI N AUGUST 20, 2015 PHOTO: FABIOLA LARA FOR FEMSPLAIN This piece originally appeared on . Femsplain is a community for everyone, powered by personal stories from anyone female-identified. It has been given minor edits before re-posting. After years of consuming anxiety-inducing ads that alert me of my “flaws” (my blackness, my shortness, etc.), I’ve begun to realize the alarming ways in which I, at times, view myself. I admit that, during one of my most vulnerable moments, I’ve asked Google, “What is inherently ugly about being short?” I went deeper and deeper into this wide web, stumbling on blogs...
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