
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2019

6th grade Grammar

Guide for the exam Study units 1 and 2 Present tense Present perfect Future continuous First conditional Conjunctions Modals Book review  Nouns endings Giving opinion Giving recommendation Giving advice

5th grade Grammar

Guide for the exam Study units 1 and 2 Present simple Adverbs of frequency can and can't Family members Everyday activities Phrasal verbs Giving opinion Present continuous Present continuous vs simple present State verbs Sports Venues Equipment

4th grade Grammar

Guide for the exam Study units 1 and 2 Greetings Family Verb to be Subject pronouns Have got Possessives Present simple affirmative Present simple negative Present simple questions Likes and dislikes Free time activities Adjectives -ing forms can and can't Adverbs of frequency School activities School subjects Days of the week Prepositions on, at in

Psychology 6th grade

Guide for the exam. Study the following topics for the exam. What is Psychology? Psychology approaches Mental illnesses Theories Researchers The scientific method The brain The nervous system The endocrine system

Reading 4th and 5th grade intermediate

Guide for the exam. Study vocabulary and definitions: Unit 1 lessons A and B, Unit 2 lessons A and B, Unit 3 lessons A and B Sports and fitness The world's game established, participate, victory, defeat, universal, unique, competitors, unifies, promote, responsible What makes an olympic champion? champion, psychological, genetics, differentiate, generate, enhanced, attributes, motions, automatic, adjust Skin deep What is beauty? devote, fundamental, mate, notion, altered, predominantly, subjective, gender, conform, uniform Skin: the body's canvas external, chemicals, crucial, leisure, denote, identity, criminals, matured, permanent, fades Animals in danger Dangerous journey locations, inevitably, poses, trapped, effective, strictly, eliminated, current, incentive, bans Tracking the snow leopard stalks, distinctive, enforcing, conflict, drag, reverse, landscape, poverty, status, bonus

Reading 4th grade high intermediate

Guide for the exam. Study your vocabulary and definitions of lessons 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B The power of image The visual village shot, amateur, document, apps, quality, tremendous, obsessed, relevant, instantly, controversy, romanticise, democracy, profound My journey in photographs teamwork, expectations, staff, project, overcame, thus, praise, turned out, portraits, enriches Love and attraction Love a chemical reaction? romance, defiance, chance, inclination, inherent, desires, mutual, abundant, trigger Feathers of love noble, commences, bouncing, absurd, prominently, harsher, undergone, rituals, evoke, breeding Food and health How safe is our food? bacteria, foodborne, toxins, immune system, contaminated, virulent, integral, digestion, confine, nationwide, compulsory, optimistic, diligently, feasible Genetically modified foods revolution, nutritional, modified, pests, skeptics, diminish, conventional, notwithstanding, traits, allergic,

Síntesis de programa 6o.

Síntesis de programa 6o. Información contenida en tríptico entregado a los alumnos. SÍNTESIS DE PROGRAMA INGLÉS VI ASIGNATURA OBLIGATORIA CLAVE  1603 PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 1996. HORARIO: PROFESOR: CICLO LECTIVO 2019-2020 Presentación Esta asignatura de carácter informativo–formativa, intenta introducirte al idioma inglés, para que lo apliques en tu vida personal y profesional, pretendiendo que adquieras un dominio suficiente como para comunicarte sin problemas utilizando todas las habilidades que el idioma exige.  Propósitos Los aprendizajes que nos proponemos que adquieras al término de este curso, consisten en que: 1. Obtengas un conocimiento del idioma inglés a un nivel intermedio. 2. Desarrolles las habilidades de: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing y las estructuras necesarias en Grammar. LISTENING: Comprendas las ideas principales, los detalles incluso inferir ideas en diferentes tipos de discurso; conversaciones, ...

Síntesis de programa 5o.

Síntesis de programa 5o. Información contenida en el tríptico entregado a los alumnos. SÍNTESIS DE PROGRAMA INGLÉS V ASIGNATURA OBLIGATORIA, CLAVE 1506 PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 1996.  HORARIO: CICLO LECTIVO  2019-2020   Presentación Esta asignatura de carácter informativo–formativa, intenta introducirte al idioma inglés, para que lo apliques en tu vida personal y profesional, pretendiendo que adquieras un dominio suficiente como para comunicarte sin problemas utilizando todas las habilidades que el idioma exige.  Propósitos Los aprendizajes que nos proponemos que adquieras al término de este curso, consisten en que: 1. Obtengas un conocimiento del idioma inglés a un nivel intermedio. 2. Desarrolles las habilidades de: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing y las estructuras necesarias en Grammar. LISTENING: Comprendas las ideas principales, los detalles incluso inferir ideas en diferentes tipos de discurso; conversacion...

Síntesis de programa 4o.

Síntesis de programa 4o. Información del tríptico entregado a los alumnos. SÍNTESIS DE PROGRAMA INGLÉS IV ASIGNATURA OBLIGATORIA CLAVE  1407 PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 1996. PROFESOR:    CICLO LECTIVO 2019-2020 Presentación Esta asignatura es de carácter informativo–formativa, intenta introducirte al idioma inglés, para que lo apliques en tu vida personal y profesional, pretendiendo que adquieras un dominio suficiente como para comunicarte sin problemas utilizando todas las habilidades que el idioma exige.  Propósitos Los aprendizajes que nos proponemos que adquieras al término de este curso, consisten en que: 1. Obtengas un conocimiento del idioma inglés a un nivel intermedio. 2. Desarrolles las habilidades de: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing y las estructuras necesarias en Grammar. LISTENING: Comprendas las ideas principales, los detalles incluso inferir ideas en diferentes tipos de discurso; conversaciones, pl...

Grammar 6th grade

September Work with this extra practice to prepare your exam. We will check the answers in class Future All Tenses Make the correct tense. 1)   future simple (She / win the competition?) [ . ] Check Show 2)   future continuous (She / wait when we arrive) [ . ] Check Show 3)   future perfect (By next week I / finish this work) [ . ] Check Show 4)   future perfect continuous (I / live here for one year next week) [ . ] Check Show 5)   future simple (Who / pass the exam?) [ . ] Check Show 6)   future perfect continuous (She / study so she will be tired) [ . ] Check Show 7)   future continuous (How / you / get home?) [ . ] Check Show 8)   future simple (I / come later) [ . ] Check Show 9)   future perfect (She / catch the train by 3pm) [ . ] ...

Psychology 6th grade

September  This videos and the article are to reinforce the topics we have seen in class. Study them as part of your exam. Psychology WRITTEN BY:  Walter Mischel See Article History Psychology , scientific  discipline  that studies mental states and processes and  behaviour  in humans and other animals. The discipline of psychology is broadly divisible into two parts: a large profession of practitioners and a smaller but growing  science  of  mind ,  brain , and social behaviour. The two have distinctive goals, training, and practices, but some psychologists  integrate  the two. Early History In Western  culture , contributors to the development of psychology came from many areas, beginning with philosophers such as  Plato  and  Aristotle .  Hippocrates  philosophized about basic human  temperaments  (e.g., choleric,  sanguin...