5th grade Grammar


Guide for the second bimestrial exam.

1. Countable and uncountable nouns.
2. Quantifiers. Some/any/no. How much/many.
3. Prepositions of time
4. Simple past. Was/were
5. Prepositions of movement
6. Past simple: negative and questions

Choose a word from the table below to fill each space. Some words may be used more than once.

a few
a little
a lot of
a lot

1. How  children do you and Tony have?
2. I don't have  patience and I find jigsaw puzzles boring.
3. We only have  carrots. We should go and buy some more.
4. "Do we need any mushrooms?" "No, we have . Look, three bags!"
5. There was an explosion at the factory and  people were injured. We don't know how many yet.
6. When you make the pie, put  wine in too. But not too much! It makes it really tasty.
7. When you go out, buy me  apple and a bottle of Coke.
8. I don't need  advice from you. You don't understand the problem!
9. "Do you like this programme?" "Not . You can change the channel if you want."
10. Lots of people in Spain like to take  siesta during the hottest part of the day.
11. I have been to America  times. Twice in 1996 and again last year.
12. Can you give me  information about the buses in the city centre please?
13.  people think he is stupid, but he's actually quite intelligent.

Type in the verbs in the Simple Past.
  1. William (visit)  his grandparents last weekend.
  2. Jane (arrive)  an hour ago.
  3. We (go)  to Bob's birthday party yesterday.
  4. (be)  on holiday last week.
  5. She (see)  fire.
Complete the sentences in the negative form.
  1. I phoned Lucy last night. → I  Lucy last night.
  2. You tidied up your room. → You  up your room.
  3. Olivia became an actress. → Olivia  an actress.
  4. We found the treasure. → We  the treasure.
  5. He spoke Spanish. → He  Spanish.
Construct questions.
  1. (you/dance)  at the party last night?
  2. (she/do)  her homework?
  3. (Robert/work)  at the post office?
  4. (they/help)  you with the washing-up?
  5. When (I/say)  that?

Fill in was or were into the gaps.
If there is a (-) use the negation (wasn't or weren't).
1. Last year my best friend  22 years old.
2. The weather  cold when we  in Berlin.
3. Why  you so angry yesterday?
4. At this time last year Sandra  in Paris.
5. We  tired because it  late at night.
6. Tim  asleep at ten o'clock yesterday. (-)
7. Our hotel last year  small, but it  very clean.
8. I phoned you at the weekend, but you  at home. (-)
9. My dad  at work the whole week, because he was ill. (-)
10. The shops  open yesterday, but we didn't go there.
11. My friends  at the shopping mall two days ago.
12. Claire and I  at school last Monday. (-)
13.  Liam at home when you came back from work?
14. They didn't tell where they  on May 2nd. 
15. Autumn  really warm and dry this year.
16. When Tom  a child, he  afraid of dogs.
17. There  a good movie on TV at prime time. (-)
18. My daughters  in the USA two years ago.
19. She  at home when they broke into her house. (-)
20. What  your biggest success as professional?


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